Vedic Eco Village Welcomes You

We are seeking people to participate in daily building, farm and food preparation. Our mission is to manifest the vision of Varnasrama villages, as proposed by Srila Prabhupada and our Acharyas. 

We offer deeper insights into the fundamental values upheld in the Vedic culture, namely the importance of cows, farming and vedic knowledge.

Campground, outdoor kitchen & solar shower facilities are under construction.  Crowded trees from our forest are milled for ecovillage building materials. Our building techniques improve and evolve with every ecovillage project. 

Our traditional vedic mud-stoves (chulha) used for cooking and heating are available in multiple locations. We have successfully implemented these sparkless chulha stoves, combining rocket mass heater technology and traditional Vedic cooking methods.  These stoves are essential for safely cooking with fire in the summertime, as we are in a characteristically dry and high fire risk area.

Chulha Mass heater keep people warm and allows them to make bath water and cook safely in the summer.

chulha stove playstation

Cook stove and mass heater for Valley Hub / PlayStation.  Used for Dharma Discovery to teach kids Vedic cooking techniques.  Offers this community a sustainable cooking facility.  Provides shelter from sun and cold.

Dharma Discovery

The Govardhana Academy students are preparing the greenhouse with water, cow dung, planting strawberries. The Playstation has upgraded cooking facility, space for take-out window to serve local prasadam to pilgrims.  This is an opportunity to experience vedic living. Hands-on learning about cow care, ox cart & plowing, farms, forest, natural building, cob, arts, crafts & markets. Dharma Discovery webage

Dharma Discovery

Ox plowing serves farmers

Early this spring, all 3 tractors in the Saranagati community were broken.  Brihat Mrdanga prabhu needed to plow the earth before planting beets and other cold weather crops.  The ox will plow the home garden of the Ahimsa Goshala managers as well as the Vedic Eco Village garden. Everything is revived with the arrival of spring!

Future Development Plans

Future farm projects: expanding production, seed bank, walipini underground greenhouse, transplanting fruit trees, plant guilds around the orchard, living willow fence. identifying flora and fauna on the land to make a eco village ecological database, native wildflower seed bombs and vertical planting for potatoes. 

The cows in Saranagati would benefit from a heated winter barn.  We are building a new goshala to host cows during cold days.  The Goshala will be the first structure built in the VeV colony. Goshala project page